Antonio Malorni: Pubblicazioni

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  1. G. Nota, G. Marino and A. Malorni.A simple device for coupling g.l.c. capillary columns to a mass spectrometer.Chem.Ind. (London) (1970) 1294.
  2. A. Malorni and G.Marino.Spettri di massa di dansil-peptidi.Chim.Ind. (Milan) 53 (1971) 701-702.
  3. G. Marino and A. Malorni.Mass Spectrometry of 1-dimethylamino-naphtalene-5-sulphonil(DNS)-peptides.Acta Vitamin.Enzymol. 26 (1972) 215.
  4. F. Addeo, A. Malorni and M. Ameno.Studio a mezzo di gascromatografia-spettrometria di massa dei silil derivatidelle ammine biogene."Annali" della Facoltà di Scienze Agrarie dell'Univ. di Napoli in Portici 7(1973) 283-289.
  5. F. Addeo and A. Malorni.Le ammine volatili della birra. Identificazione a mezzo di tlc-ms e glc-ms deidansilderivati."Annali" della Facoltà di Scienze Agrarie dell'Univ. di Napoli in Portici 7(1973) 290-297.
  6. F. Addeo and A. Malorni.Sulla presenza di ammine biologiche nei mosti e nelle bevande fermentate:uno studio analitico.S.&T.A.(Scienza e Tecnologia degli Alimenti) (1974) 241-245.
  7. G. C. Casinovi, B. Santurbano, G. Conti, A. Malorni and G. Randazzo.The structure and spectroscopic properties of an isomer of Fusicoccindeacetylaglycone and some derivatives.Gazz. Chim. Ital. 104 (1974) 679-691.
  8. F. Addeo, A. Malorni, G. Marino and G. Randazzo.A method of analysis of dansylamides in mixtures by mass spectrometry.Biomed. Mass Spectrom. 1 (1974) 363-364.
  9. F. Addeo, A. Malorni and G. Marino.Analysis of dansyl-amides in mixtures by mass spectrometry usingmetastable defocusing.15Anal. Biochem. 64 (1975) 98-101.
  10. G. Belvedere, A. Frigerio, A. Malorni and D. Nardi.Mass spectra of some 4-substitutedphenyl-1,3-dihydro-2H-1,5- benzodiazepine-2-thiones.Boll. Chim. Farm. 114 (1975) 151-160.
  11. G. Marino and A. Malorni.Peptide fragmentation mechanisms.Adv. Mass Spectrom. Biochem. Med. 2 (1976) 249-255.
  12. A. Malorni, G. Randazzo and C. Sepe.Esempi di determinazione di strutture di alcune sostanze ad attivitàbiologica.Boll. Chim. Farm. 116 (1977) 191-211.
  13. A. Malorni, G.Marino and G. Sannia.The effect of permethylation on peptide fragmentation.Adv. Mass Spectrom. 7 (1978) 1650.
  14. A. Malorni, L. Minale and R. Riccio.Steroids from Sponges: occurrence of steroidal 4,7-3,6-diketones in themarine sponge Raphidostila incisa.Nouv. J. Chimie 2 (1978) 351-354.
  15. F. Addeo, A. Di Luccia, G. Boffa and A. Malorni.Imbrunimento non enzimatico di soluzioni zuccherine. Nota 1. Isolamento ecaratterizzazione di derivati del furano da soluzioni acquose acide."Annali" della Facoltà di Scienze Agrarie dell'Univ. di Napoli in Portici. 13(1979) 138-143.
  16. F. Addeo, L. Barlotti, G. Boffa, A. Di Luccia, A. Malorni and G. Piccioli.Costituenti acidi di una oleoresina di conifere rinvenuta in anfore vinariedurante gli scavi archeologici di Oplonti."Annali" della Facoltà di Scienze Agrarie dell'Univ. di Napoli in Portici. 13(1979) 144-148.
  17. A. Guarino, G. Boffa, W. Taccone, B. De Vito, A. Malorni, G. Sodano and N.Sannolo.Uso di una resina a scambio anionico per l'estrazione e derivatizzazionedegli acidi organici presenti nelle urine di pazienti affetti da errori congenitidel metabolismo degli aminoacidi.Giornale di Chimica Clinica 4 (1979) 461-477.
  18. A. Acampora, G. Boffa, L. Chianese, A. Malorni, N. Sannolo, G. Sodano andW. Taccone.Un nuovo metodo di analisi quantitativa degli acidi bicarbossilici mediantegas-cromatografia.Boll. Soc. It. Biol. Sperim. 56 (1980) 512-518.16
  19. F. Addeo, S. Kuzdzal-Savoie, L. Chianese, A. Malorni and C. Sepe.Contribution a l'ètude des composés liposolubles du lait de bufflonne.Le Lait 61 (1981) 187-212.
  20. A. Malorni, G. Marino and A. Parente.Sequence determination of biological macromolecules by mass spectrometry.Annali di Chimica 71 (1981) 59-76.
  21. A. Malorni.Impiego della spettrometria di massa nello studio di sequenze dimacromolecole biologiche.In "Introduzione alla Spettrometria di Massa Organica" (N.Uccella Ed.), Stab. Tip.De Rose, Cosenza, 1981, pag. 205-225.
  22. N. Sannolo, P. Vajro, A. Acampora e A. Malorni.Estrazione dei lipidi fecali e determinazione dell'acido idrossistearicomediante gas cromatografia-spettrometria di massa (GC/MS).Boll. Soc. Ital. Biol. Sper. 57 (1981) 118-124.
  23. A. Malorni, G. Marino and A. Milone.Addition of perchloric acid to the matrix improves FAB mass spectra ofpeptides.Adv. Mass Spectrom. 10 (1986) 1541-1542.
  24. A. Malorni, G. Marino and A. Milone.Effect of matrix modification by strong mineral acids on the positive FABmass spectra of peptides.Biomed. Env. Mass Spectrom. 13 (1986) 477-482.
  25. A. Guarino, W. Taccone, G. Boffa, N. Sannolo, A. Malorni, e G. Sodano.La gas cromatografia-spettrometria di massa nello studio delle organicoacidurie.G. I. Pat. Clinica 1 (1986) 45-49.
  26. R. Capasso, P. Pucci, G. Randazzo and A. Malorni.Fast Atom Bombardment (FAB) and Chemical Ionization (CI) MassSpectrometry of γ-carboxyglutamic acid, 5-substituted-4, 4-dicarboxyprolinesand their monodecarboxyderivatives glutamic acid and 5-substituted-4-carboxyprolines.Can. J. Chem. 66 (1988) 2177-2180.
  27. P. Porta, C. Esposito, G. Marino, P. Pucci, A. Malorni, G. Ravagnan and S.Metafora.Characterization of the transglutaminase-modified CNBr fragments of aprotein (SV-IV) secreted from rat seminal vescicles.It. J. Biochem. 37 (1988) 343A-345A.
  28. R. De Biasi, D. Spiteri, M. Caldora, R. Iodice, P. Pucci, A. Malorni, P. Ferrantiand G. Marino.17Identification by Fast Atom Bombardment Mass Spectrometry of [β112 (G14)CYS -> Arg] hemoglobin (Hemoglobin Indianapolis) in a family from Naples(Italy).Hemoglobin 12 (1988) 323-336.
  29. C. Verde, A. Malorni and A. Parente.The NH2-terminal amino acid residue of the coat protein of Papaya MosaicVirus is acetylated.It. J. Biochem. 37, (1988) 329A-330A.
  30. R. Porta, C. Esposito, S. Metafora, P. Pucci, A. Malorni and G. Marino.Substance P as a transglutaminase substrate: identification of the reactionproducts by Fast Atom Bombardment Mass Spectrometry.Anal. Biochem. 172 (1988) 499-503.
  31. P. Pucci, A. Malorni, G. Marino, S. Metafora, C. Esposito and R. Porta.β-Endorphin modification by transglutaminase in vitro: identification by FABMass Spectrometry of glutamine-11 and lysine-29 as acyl donor and acceptorsites.Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 154 (1988) 735-740.
  32. C. Esposito, P. Pucci, G. Marino, S. Metafora, A. Malorni and R. Porta.FAB mass spectrometric detection of γ(glutamyl) polyamine derivativesproduced by transglutaminase in vitro.It. J. Biochem. 37 (1988) 198A-199A.
  33. P. Pucci, G. Marino, A. Malorni, S. Metafora, C. Esposito and R. Porta.FAB mass spectrometric detection of ε(γ-glutamyl) lysine crosslinks and (γglutamyl) polyamine derivatives produced by transglutaminase in vitro.In "Advanced in post-translational modifications of proteins andageing.".V.Zappia,P.Galletti, R.Porta and F.Wold Eds.,Plenum Press, N.Y.,1988, pag. 73-78.
  34. G. Marino, P. Pucci, A. Malorni and H.R. Morris.Analysis of post-translational modifications by FAB Mass Spectrometry.In "Advances in post-translational modidications of proteins and ageing".V.Zappia, P.Galletti, R.Porta and F.Wold Eds., Plenum Press, N.Y., 1988,p.651-657.
  35. C. Esposito, P. Pucci, G. Marino, S. Metafora, A. Malorni and R. Porta.Identification of spermine covalent adducts of Substance P and β-Endorphinby Fast Atom Bombardment Mass Spectrometry.In "Perspectives in polyamine research". A.Perin, G.Scalabrino, A.Sessa andM.E.Ferioli Eds., Wichting Ed., Milano, 1988, p.59-63.
  36. R. Porta, C. Esposito, S. Metafora, A. Malorni, P. Pucci and G. Marino.Purification and structural characterization of in vivo synthesyzed (γglutamyl)spermidine conjugates of a major protein secreted from the ratseminal vescicles.18In "Progress in Polyamine Research". V.Zappia and A.E.Pegg Eds., PlenumPress (London), 1988, p.403-409.
  37. F. Addeo, P. Petrilli e A. Malorni.La Spettrometria di massa nell'analisi degli alimenti.In "Nuovi orientamenti dei consumi e delle produzioni alimentari" (Progettostrategico del CNR). E. Pompei Ed., Grafiche Baudano s.n.c. (Venaria,Torino), 1988, pag.67-106.
  38. M.P. Carrino and A. Malorni.Potenzialità della Spettrometria di Massa in Chimica Clinica.Mezz. San. 11 (1988) 75-88.
  39. P. Pucci, P. Ferranti, A. Malorni and G. Marino.Spettrometria di Massa FAB nello studio delle emoglobinopatie.Giorn. It. Chim. Clin. 14 (1989) 115-121.
  40. G. Marino, R. Siciliano, P. Pucci, P. Ferranti and A. Malorni.Assignment of post-translational modification sites by FAB massspectrometry.Chimica Oggi (1989) 49-52.
  41. A. Malorni, P. Pucci, P. Ferranti and G. Marino.Mass spectrometric analysis of human hemoglobin variants.Chimica Oggi (1989) 57-60.
  42. P. Pucci, P. Ferranti, G. Marino and A. Malorni.Characterization of abnormal human haemoglobins by Fast AtomBombardment Mass Spectrometry.Biomed. Env. Mass Spectrom. 18 (1989) 20-26.
  43. R. Capasso, P. Pucci, G. Randazzo, A. Ritieni and A. Malorni.Analysis by Fast Atom Bombardment (FAB) Mass Spectrometry of 4,4-dicarboxy-5-(pyridoxyl-5'-phosphate)-proline, of 4-carboxy-5-(pyridoxyl-5'-phosphate)-proline and 4,4-dicarboxy-5-pyridoxylproline.Biomed.Env.Mass Spectrom. 18 (1989) 995-999.
  44. C. Verde, A. Malorni and A. Parente.The primary structore of Papaya Mosaic Virus Coat Protein: a revision.J. Prot. Chem. 8 (1989) 795-805.
  45. M.M. Giuliani, S. Ricci, G. Ratti, P. Pucci, G. Marino, A. Malorni, C.Ceccarini, B. Terrana and M. Tecce.Synthesis and characterization of recombinat fragment of human αfetoprotein with antigenic selectivity versus albumin.Protein Eng. 2 (1989) 605-610.
  46. P. Pucci, P. Ferranti, A. Malorni and G. Marino.Identification by Fast Atom Bombardment Mass Spectrometry ofHemoglobin Indianapolis in a family from Naples (Italy).19Adv. Mass Spectrom. 11 (1989) 1428-1429.
  47. G. Marino, P. Pucci, C. Esposito, R. Porta and A. Malorni.Detection by FAB mass spectrometry of transglutaminase (TGase) reactionproducts.Adv. Mass Spectrom. 11 (1989) 1406-1407.
  48. C.Romano, A.Malorni, M.Esposito.Accertamento medico-legale del danno fisico da traffico urbano.Il Nuovo Bollettino di Farmacologia Clinica 12 (1989) 28-41.
  49. F. Frigeri, G. Pandolfi, A. Camera, B. Rotoli, P. Ferranti, A. Malorni, and P.Pucci.Hb G-San José: identification by mass spectrometry.Clin. Chem. Enzym. Commun. 3 (1990) 289-294.
  50. P. Pucci, P. Ferranti, A. Malorni and G. Marino.Fab mass spectrometric analysis of haemoglobin variants: use of V-8 proteasein the identification of Hb M Hyde Park and Hb San José.Biomed. Environ. Mass Spectrom. 19 (1990) 568-572.
  51. P. Pucci, R. Siciliano, P. Ferranti, A. Malorni, and G. Marino.Mass spectrometric characterization of recombinant human interleukins 1b.Biotech. Appl. Biochem. 14 (1990) 357-363.
  52. P. Ferranti, A. Malorni, G. Marino and P. Pucci.Ruolo della Spettrometria di Massa nella caratterizzazione strutturale diEmoglobine varianti.In "Recenti Acquisizioni di Fisiopatologia Endocrina e Diagnostica diLaboratorio". G. Giacchetto e V. Macchia Eds., Editoriale Bios, Cosenza, 1990,pag. 79-84.
  53. M.P. Carrino, P. Ferranti, A. Malorni, A. Milone e L. Pacelli.La Spettrometria di Massa nello studio degli errori congeniti delmetabolismo: nuove opportunità in Chimica Clinica.In "Recenti Acquisizioni di Fisiopatologia Endocrina e Diagnostica diLaboratorio". G. Giacchetto e V. Macchia Eds., Editoriale Bios, Cosenza, 1990,pag. 85-91.
  54. A.Bisogno, P.Ferranti, P.Fimiani, A.Milone, P.Tagliaferri, L.Pacelli,G.Palmieri, V.Montesarchio, R.Lauria, A.Malorni e A.R.Bianco.Determinazione dei livelli serici di methotrexate in pazienti trattati con HDMTX mediante un nuovo metodo di RP-HPLC.Tumori 76 (1990) 107.
  55. R. Porta, C. Esposito, S. Metafora, A. Malorni, P. Pucci, R. Siciliano and G.Marino.Mass spectrometric identification of the amino donor and acceptor sites in atransglutaminase protein substrate secreted from rat seminal vescicles.20Biochemistry 1991; 30: 3114-3120.
  56. G. Marsh, G. Marino, P. Pucci, P. Ferranti, A. Malorni, J. Marsh, J. Kaeda andL. Luzzatto.A third instance of the high-oxygen affinity variant, Hb Heathrow [b103(G5)Phe-->Leu]: identification of mutation by mass spectrometry and by DNAanalysis.Hemoglobin 1991; 15: 43-51.
  57. A. Acampora, P. Ferranti, A. Malorni and A. Milone.Mass spectrometry in Forensic Chemistry. 1. Pigment identification by directmixture analysis in a case of banknote falsification.J. Forensic Sci. 1991; 36: 579-586.
  58. P. Ferranti, A. Malorni, P. Pucci, S. Fanali, A. Nardi, and L. Ossicini.Capillary zone electrophoresis and mass spectrometry for thecharacterization of genetic variants of haemoglobin.Anal. Biochem. 1991; 194: 1-8
  59. L. Chianese, F. Addeo, P. Ferranti, A. Malorni and P. Pucci"Amino acid substitutions in bovine para-K-casein C"Ital. J. Food Sci. 1991; 2: 159-163.
  60. P. Pucci, R. Siciliano, A. Malorni, G. Marino, M. F. Tecce, C. Ceccarini and B.Terrana.Human α-Fetoprotein primary structure: a mass spectrometric study.Biochemistry 1991; 30: 5061-5066.
  61. R. Arcone, P. Pucci, F. Zappacosta, V. Fontaine, A. Malorni, G. Marino andG. Ciliberto.Single step purification and structural characterization of human interleukin6 produced in E. coli from T7 RNA polymerase expression vector.Eur. J. Biochem. 1991; 198: 541-547.
  62. P. Ferranti, A. Malorni, G. Marino, P. Pucci, A. Di Luccia and L. Ferrara.FAB-OVERLAPPING: a strategy for sequencing homologous proteins.Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Proc. 1991; 111: 287-300.
  63. P. Ferranti, A. Di Luccia, A. Malorni, P. Pucci, M. Ruoppolo, G. Marino andL. Ferrara.River buffalo (Bubalus bubalis L.) AA phenotype haemoglobins:characterization by immobiline polyacrilamide gel electrophoresis and highperformance liquid chromatography and determination of the primarystructure of the constitutive chains by mass spectrometry.Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 1992; 101B: 91-98.
  64. M. De Angioletti, G. Maglione, P. Ferranti, C. de Bonis, G. Lacerra, A.Scarallo, L. Pagano, G. Fioretti, R. Cutolo, A. Malorni, P. Pucci and C.Carestia.21Hb City of Hope [β69(E13)Gly->Ser) in Italy: association of the gene withaplotype IX.Hemoglobin 1992; 16: 27-34.
  65. M.F. Tecce, R. Petracca, M.M. Giuliani, M. Ruoppolo, G. Marino, A. Malorniand P. Pucci.Characterization by mass spectrometry of a recombinant hepatitis δ virusantigen and its proteolytic products.Eur. J. Biochem. 1992; 204: 515-521.
  66. P. Caccia, G. Nitti, O. Cletini, P. Pucci, M. Ruoppolo, F. Bertolero, B.Valsasina, F. Roletto, C. Cristiani, G. Cauet, P. Sarmientos, A. Malorni and G.Marino.Stabilization of recombinant human basic fibroblast growth factor bychemical modification of cysteine residues.Eur. J. Biochem. 1992; 204: 649-655.
  67. A. Malorni, P. Pucci, P.Ferranti and G. Marino.Characterization of human hemoglobin variants by mass "Mass spectrometry in the biological sciences: a tutorial", Gross, M.L. ed.,Kluwer Academic Publishers (The Netherlands), (1992) pp. 325-332.
  68. G. Marino, R. Siciliano, P. Pucci, P. Ferranti and A. Malorni.Detection of post-translational modification of proteins by "Mass spectrometry in the biological sciences: a tutorial", Gross, M.L. ed.,Kluwer Academic Publishers (The Netherlands), (1992) pp. 333-342.
  69. M. De Caterina, P. Esposito, E. Grimaldi, G. Di Maro, F. Scopacasa, P.Ferranti, A. Parlapiano, A. Malorni, P. Pucci and G. Marino.Characterization of Hb Lepore variants using advanced mass spectrometry.Clin. Chem. 1992; 38: 1444-1448
  70. B. Rotoli, A. Camera, R. Fontana, F. Frigeri, G. Pandolfi, R. Vecchione, V.Poggi, G. Longo, C. Carestia, M. De Angioletti, G. Lacerra, P. Pucci, G.Marino, P. Ferranti, A. Malorni, R. Romano and S. Formisano"Hb-M Hyde Park: a de novo mutation, identified by mass spectrometry andDNA analysis"Haematologica 1992; 77: 110-118.
  71. F. Addeo, L. Chianese, A. Salzano, R. Sacchi, U. Cappuccio, P. Ferranti andA. Malorni"Characterization of the 12% trichloroacetic acid-insoluble oligopeptides ofParmigiano-Reggiano cheese.J. Dairy Research 1992; 59: 401-411.
  72. P. Ferranti, V. Carbone, N. Sannolo, I. Fiume, A. Milone, M. Ruoppolo, M.Gallo and A. MalorniStudy of interaction of styrene oxyde with Angiotensin by massspectrometry.22Carcinogenesis, 1992; 13: 1397-1401.
  73. R. Capasso, A. Malorni and A. MiloneFast Atom Bombardment, Electron Ionization and Chemical Ionization MassSpectrometry of 1,2,3-Benzenetricarboxylic Acids, Inhibitors of theMitochondrial Tricarboxylate Carrier.Biological Mass Spectrom. 1992; 21: 642-646.
  74. A. MalorniMass spectrometric methodologies for the analysis of biotechnologicallyproduced pharmaceuticals.Il Farmaco 1992; 47: 723-740.
  75. P. Ferranti, A. Malorni, G. Marino, P. Pucci, G. H. Goodwin, G. Manfiolettiand V. GiancottiMass Spectrometric Analysis of the HMGY Protein from Lewis LungCarcinoma.J. Biol. Chem. 1992; 267: 22486-22489.
  76. A.Parente, C.Verde, A.Malorni, P.C.Montecucchi, F.Aniello and G.Geraci.Aminoacid sequence of the dimeric myoglobin from radular muscles of themarine gastropod Nassa mutabilis.Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1993; 1162; 1-9.
  77. C. Romano, M. Esposito e A. Malorni.Accertamenti medico-legali del danno alla persona da inquinamentoatmosferico.In "Patologia Ambientale-Vol. III",Donato Lauria Ed., Idelson, Napoli, 1993,pp.103-120.
  78. P. Ferranti, A. Parlapiano, A. Malorni, P. Pucci, G. Marino, G. Cossu, L.Manca and B. Masala.Hemoglobin Ozieri: a new α-chain variant [α71(E20)Ala->Val].Characterization using FAB- and electrospray-mass spectrometrictechniques.Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1993; 1162: 203-208.
  79. M. Ruoppolo, G. Nitti, B. Valsasina, A. Malorni, G. Marino and P. Pucci.Disulphide isoform intermediates in the reoxidation of recombinant humanbasic fibroblast growth factor.Biochemistry 1993; 32: 4991-4996.
  80. P. Ferranti A. Di Luccia, A. Malorni, L. Ferrara, G. Marino and P. Pucci.Electrospray mass spectrometric analysis of river buffalo hemoglobins. Reexamination of α1 and α3 globin chain sequences.Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 1993; 105B: 573-578.
  81. G. Corso, M. Esposito, M. Gallo, A. Dello Russo and A. Malorni.23Transformation of Arginine into Ornithine during the preparation of its tertbutyldimethylsilyl derivatives for analysis by Gas Chromatography/MassSpectrometry.Biological Mass Spectrom. 1993; 22: 698-702.
  82. P. Ferranti, V. Carbone, N. Sannolo, I. Fiume and A. MalorniMass Spectrometric analysis of rat hemoglobin by FAB-overlapping. Primarystructure of the α−major and of four β constitutive chains.Int. J. Biochem. 1993; 25: 1943-1950.
  83. L. Manca, P. Ferranti, F. Barone, G. Nitti, A. Malorni, P. Pucci, S. Naitana andB. MasalaSheep haemoglobin I or βB13(A10)Gly->Ser: an example of CpG mutation invertebrates. Characterization using FAB-Mass Spectrometry and amino acidsequencing.Int. J. Biochem. 1993; 25: 1935-1938.
  84. R. Arcone, G. Arpaia, M. Ruoppolo, A. Malorni, P. Pucci, G. Marino, A.Ialenti, M. Di Rosa and G. Ciliberto.Structural characterization of a biologically active human lipocortin 1expressed in Escherichia Coli.Eur. J. Biochem. 1993; 211: 347-355.
  85. P. Ferranti, A. Malorni and P. Pucci.Structural characterization of hemoglobin variants using capillaryelectrophoresis and fast atom bombardment mass "Methods in Enzymology 1994; 231: 45-65.
  86. F. Addeo, L. Chianese, R. Sacchi, S. Spagnamusso, P. Ferranti and A. Malorni"Characterization of the oligopeptides in Parmigiano-Reggiano cheesesoluble in 120 g trichloroaceticacid/l".J. Dairy Research 1994; 61: 365-374.
  87. P. Ferranti, F. Barone, P. Pucci, A. Malorni, G. Marino, G. Pilo, L. Manca andB. Masala"Hb F-Sassari: a novel Gγ variant with a threonine residue at position γ75,characterized by mass spectrometry techniques"Hemoglobin 1994; 18: 307-315.
  88. L. Chianese, G. Garro, P. Ferranti, A. Malorni, F. Addeo, A. Rabasco andP.M. Pons"Discrete phosphorilation generates the electrophoretic heterogeneity ofovine β-casein"J. Dairy Research 1995; 62: 89-100.
  89. P. Ferranti, A. Malorni, G. Nitti, P. Laezza, R. Pizzano, L. Chianese and F.Addeo"Primary structure of ovine αs1-caseins: localization of phosphorilation sitesand characterization of genetic variants A,C and D*"J. Dairy Research 1995; 62: 281-296.24
  90. M.A. Belisario, R. Pecce, M. Maturo, G. Avagnale, N. Sannolo and A.Malorni"Erythrocite-mediated toxification of 1,8-dinitropyrene: I. Reduction"J. Biol. Res. 1995; 71: 27-34.
  91. M.A. Belisario, A. Garofano, M. Maturo, G. Avagnale, N. Sannolo and A.Malorni"Erythrocite-mediated toxification of 1,8-dinitropyrene: II. Covalent bind toerytrocite-proteins"J. Biol. Res. 1995; 71: 35-40.
  92. P. Ferranti, P. Pucci, G. Marino, I. Fiume, B. Terrana, C. Ceccarini and A.Malorni"Human α-fetoprotein produced from Hep G2 cell line: structure andheterogeneity of oligosaccharide moiety"J. Mass Spectrom. 1995; 30: 632-638.
  93. P. Pucci, A. Malorni and G. Marino"What mass spectrometry can do for you"Biochimica in Italia 1995; 2: 56-63.
  94. N. Sannolo, V. Carbone, P. Ferranti, I. Fiume, G. Mamone and A. Malorni"Mass spectrometric analysis of haemoglobin adducts formed by methylbromide in vitro"J. Chromatog. (B)1995; 670 : 349-353.
  95. C. Napoli, A. Postiglione, M. Triggiani, G. Corso, G. Palumbo, V. Carbone, A.Ruocco, G. Ambrosio, S. Montefusco, A. Malorni, M. Condorelli, M.Chiariello"Oxidative structural modifications of low density lipoprotein inhomozygous familial hypercholesterolemia"Atherosclerosis 1995; 118: 259-273.
  96. M. A. Belisario, R. Pecce, A. Garofalo, N. Sannolo and A. Malorni"Erythrocyte enzymes catalyze 1-nitropyrene and 3-nitrofluoranthenenitroreduction"Toxicology 1996;108: 101-109
  97. P. Ferranti, N. Sannolo, G. Mamone, I. Fiume, V. Carbone, M. Tornqvist, A.Bergman and A. Malorni."Structural characterization by mass spectrometry of hemoglobin adductsformed after in vitro exposure to methyl bromide"Carcinogenesis 1996; 17: 2661-2671.
  98. N. Sannolo, V. Carbone, P. Ferranti, I. Fiume, D. Santoro and A. Malorni."The role of mass spectrometry in biomonitoring exposure to carcinogens"In R. M. Caprioli, A. Malorni and G. Sindona (Eds.) Mass Spectrometry InBiomolecular Sciences R. M. Caprioli, A. Malorni and G. Sindona (eds.) NATO25ASI Series Series; C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Kluwer AcademicPublishers in the Netherlands, 475, 397-415 (1997).
  99. F. Del Vecchio Blanco, A. Bolognesi, A. Malorni, M. J. W. Sande, G. Savino,A. Parente.Complete amino-acid sequence of PD-S2, a new ribosome-inactivatingprotein from seeds of Phytolacca dioica l.Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1997; 1338: 137-144.
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  101. P. Ferranti, N. Sannolo, G. Sindona, G. Mamone, K. Athanassopoulos, S.Cundari, G. Pocsfàlvi and A. Malorni"Monitoring of human exposure to environmental xenobiotics by isotopedilution mass spectrometry"Eur. J. Clin. Chem. Clin. Biochem. 1997; 36, A142.102 V. Carbone, A. Salzano, P. Pucci, I. Fiume, G. Pocsfalvi, N. Sannolo, G. DiLanda and A. Malorni"In vitro reactivity of the antineoplastic drug carmustin and acrolein withmodel peptides"Int. J. Peptide Protein Res. 1997; 49: 586-595.103 P. Ferranti, N. Sannolo, G. Mamone, G. Forte and A. Malorni“Development of a mass spectrometric approach for the characterization ofhemoglobin adducts” in Selected Topics in Mass Spectrometry in theBiomolecular Sciences R. M. Caprioli, A. Malorni and G. Sindona (eds.) NATOASI Series; Series C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Kluwer AcademicPublishers in the Netherlands, 504, 399-411 (1997).104 V. Carbone, G. Pocsfalvi, N. Sannolo and A. 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Metafora“Structural heterogeneity, post-translational modifications and biologicalactivities of SV-IV, a major protein secreted from the rat seminal vescicleepithelium”Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 1997; 11: 1007-1014.108 G. Pòcsfalvi, A. Ritieni, P. Ferranti, G. Randazzo, K. Vékey, and A. Malorni“Miccroheterogeneity characterization of a paracelsin mixture fromTrichoderma reesei using high-energy collision induced dissociation tandemmass spectrometry”Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 1997; 11: 922-930.109 P. Ferranti, F. Addeo, L. Chianese, A. Malorni, C. Leroux and P. Martin“Differential splicing of pre-messenger RNA produces multipe forms ofcaprine αs1-casein”Eur. J. Biochem. 1997; 249: 1-7.110 P. Ferranti, E. Itolli, F. Barone, A. Malorni, G. Garro, P. Laezza, L. Chianese,F. Migliaccio, V. Stingo and F. Addeo“Combined high resolution separation techniques and mass spectrometrybased identification of peptides and proteins in Grana Padano cheese”Le Lait 1997; 77: 683-697.111 L. Chianese, P. Laezza, P. Ferranti, S. Caira, F. Addeo and A. Malorni “The oligopeptides of sweet and acid cheese whey”Le Lait, 1997; 77: 699-715.112 M. Ruoppolo, P. Pucci, A. Malorni and G. Marino“Integration of mass spectrometry in bio-chemical research”Chimica e Industria 1997; 79: 1041-1048.113 C. Napoli, G. Ambrosio, N. Scarpato, G. Corso, G. Palumbo, F. P.D’Armiento, F. P. Mancini, A. Malorni, S. Formisano, A. Ruocco, A. Calì, M.Chiariello.“Decreased low-density lipoprotein oxidation after repeated selectiveapheresis in homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia”.Am. Hearth J. 1997; 133: 585-595.114 C. Napoli, P. Abete, G. Corso, A. Malorni, A. Postigione, G. Ambrosio, F.Cacciatore, F. Rengo, G. Palumbo. “Increased low-density lipoprotein peroxidation in ederly men”.Coron. Artery Dis. 1997; 8: 129-136.115 C. Napoli, F. P. D’Armiento, G. Corso, G. Ambrosio, G. Palumbo, P. Zuliani,A. Malorni, G. Gallotta, P. Somma, A. Postiglione, M. 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Nicolaus“La spettrometria di massa MALDI nello studio delle melanine”Rend. Acc. Sci. Fis. Mat. 1997, 64: 83-92.120 G. Pocsfalvi, F. Scala, M. Lorito, A. Ritieni, G. Randazzo, P. Ferranti, K.Vékey and A. Malorni“Microeteroneneity characterization of a Trichorzianine - A mixture fromTrichoderma harzianum”J. Mass Spectrom. 1998; 33: 154-163.121 P. Ferranti, L. Chianese, A. Malorni, F. Migliaccio, V. Stingo and F. Addeo.“Copresence of deleted protein species generates structural heterogeneity ofovine αs1-casein”J. Agricult. Food Chem. 1998; 46: 411-416.122 A. Scaloni, E. Pieragostini, A. Malorni, L. Ferrara and A. Di Luccia"Bovine hemoglobin α-globin chain polymorphysm: Primary structuredetermination of two new genetic variants by mass spectrometry and aminoacid sequencing"Biochimie 1998; 80: 333-338.123 P. Ferranti, A. Scaloni, S. Caira, L. Chianese, A. Malorni and F. Addeo“The primary structure of water bufalo αs1- and β-casein: identification ofphosphorilation sites and characterization of a novel β-casein variant”J. Protein Chem. 1998; 17: 835-844.124 G. Mamone, A. Malorni, A. Scaloni, N. Sannolo, A. Basile, G. Pocsfalvi andP. Ferranti"Structural analysis and quantitative evaluation of the modificationsproduced in human hemoglobin by methyl bromide using massspectrometry and Edman degradation"Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 1998; 12: 1783-1792.28125 A. Di Maro, P. Valbonesi, A. Bolognesi, F. Stirpe, P. De Luca, G. SiniscalcoGigliano, L. Gaudio, P. Delli Bovi, P. Ferranti, A. Malorni and A. Parente"Isolation and characterization of four type-1 ribosome-inactivating proteins,with polynucleotide: adenosine glycosidase activity, from leaves ofPhytolacca dioica L."Planta 1999; 208: 125-131.126 N. Sannolo, N. Miraglia, M. Biglietto, A. Acampora and A. Malorni“Determination of Cyclophosphamide and Ifosphamide in urine at tracelevels by gas chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry”J. Mass Spectrom. 1999; 34: 845-849.127 N. Sannolo, G. Mamone, P. Ferranti, A. Basile and A. Malorni“Biomonitoring of human exposure to methyl bromide by Isotope DilutionMass Spectrometry of peptide adducts”J. Mass Spectrom. 1999; 34: 1028-1032.128 A. Scaloni, P. Ferranti, G. De Simone, G. Mamone, N. Sannolo and A.Malorni“Probing the reactivity of nucleophile residues in human 2,3-diphosphoglycerate/deoxy-hemoglobin complex by aspecific chemicalmodifications”FEBS Lett. 1999; 452 :190-194.129 G. Mamone, N. Sannolo,A. Malorni, P. Ferranti“In vivo formation of S-Nitrosohemoglobin in red cells by inducible nitricoxide synthase”FEBS Lett. 1999; 462 :241-245.130 N. Miraglia, M. Biglietto, M Ferriero, T. De Guida, A. Malorni, N. Sannolo,A. Acampora“Determinazione di ciclofosfamide e ifosfamide nelle urine mediante gascromatografia/spettrometria di massa tandem”Lav. 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MalorniInteraction of Fusarium Mycotoxins, Fusaproliferin and Fumonisin B1, withDNA Studied by Electrospray Ionization Mass SpectrometryJ. Agricul. Food Chemistry 2000; 48: 5795-5801.135 G. Pócsfalvi, A. Malorni, I. Mancini, G. Guella and F. PietraMolecular Characterization of a Highly Heterogeneous Mixture ofGlucosylceramides from a Deep-water Mediterranean Scleractinian CoralDendrophyla cornigera”.Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 2000; 14: 2247-2252.136 P. Ferranti, G. Mamone and A. MalorniPreparation and mass spectrometric analysis of S-nitrosohemoglobin.Methods Mol. Biol. 2000; 146: 147-165.137 A. Di Maro, P. Ferranti, M. Mastronicola, L. Polito, A. Bolognesi, F. Stirpe, A.Malorni and G. Parente“Reliable sequence determination of ribosome-inactivating proteins bycombining electrospray mass spectrometry and Edman degradation”.J. Mass Spectrom. 2001; 36: 38-46.138 N. Miraglia, G. Pocsfalvi, P. Ferranti, A. Basile, N. Sannolo, A. Acampora, L.Soleo, F. Palmieri, S. Caira, B. De Giulio and A. Malorni“Mass spectrometric identification of candidate biomarker peptide from invitro interaction of epichlorohydrin with red blood cells”.J. Mass Spectrom. 2001; 36: 47-57139 A. Basile, P. Ferranti, G. Pocsfalvi, G. Mamone, N. Miraglia, S. Caira, S.Ambrosi, L. Soleo, N. Sannolo and A. Malorni“A novel approach for identification and measurements of hemoglobinadducts 1,2,3,4-diepoxybutane by liquid chromatography/electrosprayionisation mass spectrometry and matrix-assisted laserdesorption/ionisation tandem mass spectrometry”.Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 2001; 15: 527-540.140 A. Basile, P. Ferranti, G. Mamone, I. Manco, G. Pocsfalvi, A. Malorni, A.Acampora and N. Sannolo“Structural analysis of styrene/haemoglobin adducts by mass spectrometry:identification of suitable biomarkers for human exposure evaluation”.Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 2001; 16: 871-878.141 V. Metafora, P. Franco, O. Massa, F. Morelli, P. Stiuso, P. Ferranti, G.Mamone, A. Malorni, M. P. Stoppelli and S. Metafora“Phosphorilation of seminal vescicle protein IV on Ser58 enhances itsperoxidase-stimulating activity”Europ. J. Biochem. 2001; 268: 3858-386930142 A. Alaoui, Z. Charrouf, C. Pizza, V. Carbone, A. Malorni, S. Piacente"Triterpenoid Saponins from the shell of Argania Spinosa seeds"Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2002; 50, 4600-4603143 A. Basile, P. Ferranti, A. Malorni, N. Sannolo“Novel mass spectrometric procedures for identification and measurementsof peptide adducts of hemoglobin with alkylating agents: application in thedosimetry of styrene and butadiene metabolites”Recent Res. Devel. Peptides 2002; 1, 129-149144 G. Schlosser, Z. Takáts, K. Vekey, G. Pocsfalvi, A. Malorni, E. Windberg, A.Kissc and F. Hudeczc“Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Combinatorial Peptide Libraries Derivedfrom the Tandem Repeat Unit of MUC2 Mucin”J. Peptide Sci. 2003; 9, 361–374145 G. Schlosser, G. Pocsfalvi, A. Malorni, A. Puerta, M. de Frutos, K. Vékey“Detection of immune complexes by matrix-assisted laserdesorption/ionization mass spectrometry”Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 2003; 17, 2741 - 2747146 G. Mamone, S. Caira, G. Garro, A. Nicolai, P. Ferranti, G. Picariello, A.Malorni, L. Chianese, F. Addeo“Casein phosphoproteome: Identification of phosphopeptides by combinedmass spectrometry and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis”Electrophoresis 2003; 24, 2824-2837147 M. F. Mazzeo, B. De Giulio, S. Senger, M. Rossi, A. Malorni, R. A. Siciliano“Identification of transglutaminase-mediated deamidation sites in arecombinant α-gliadin by advanced mass-spectrometric methodologies”Protein Science 2003; 12: 2434-2442148 F. Santelli, F. Boscaino, D. Cautella, D. Castaldo and A. Malorni“Determination of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDS) andpolychlorinated dibenzo-p-furans (PCDFS) in bullalo milk and mozzarellacheese”Essenze Derivati Agrumari 2003; 73: 123-128149 Zoltán Szilágyi, Gabriella Pocsfalvi, Valeria Costantino, Alfonso Mangoni,Antonio Malorni, Ernesto Fattorusso“Characterization of glycosphingolipids of Agelas sponges in theirperacetylated form by liquid secondary ionization mass spectrometry andhigh perfomance liquid chromatography combined with direct electrosprayionization mass spectrometry detection”Rapid. Commun. Mass Spectrom. 2004; 18: 2989-2996.150 G. Schlosser, K. Vékey, A. Malorni and G. Pocsfalvi31“Combination of solid-phase affinity capture on magnetic beads and massspectrometry to study non-covalent interactions: example of minor groovebinding drugs”Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 2005;19:3307-3314151 T. Imre, G. Schlosser, G. Pocsfalvi, R. Siciliano, E. Molnár-Szöllósi, T.Kremmer, A. Malorni and K. Vékey“Glycosylation site analysis of human alpha-1-acid glycoprotein (AGP) bycapillary liquid chromatography – electrospray mass spectrometry”J. Mass Spectrom. 2005; 40: 1472-1483152 G. Schlosser, G. Pocsfalvi, E. Huszár, A. Malorni and F. Hudecz“MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry of a combinatorial peptide library: effect ofmatrix composition on signal suppression”J. Mass Spectrom. 2005; 40: 1590-1594153 A. Tosco, R. A. Siciliano, G. Cacace, M. F. Mazzeo, R. Capone, A. Malorni, A.Leone and L. Marzullo“Dietary effects of copper and iron deficiency on rat intestine: a differentialdisplay proteome analysis”J. Proteome Res. 2005; 4: 1781-1788154 Francesca Santelli, Floriana Boscaino, Domenico Cautella, Bruna La Ratta,Domenico Castaldo, Antonio Malorni“Determinazione di policlorodibenzo-p-diossine (PCDD), policloro-dibenzop-furani (PCDF) e policlorobifenili (PCB) in oli essenziali agrumari estratti afreddo”Essenze e derivati agrumari 2005: 75(2):71-82155 A. Chambery, A. Farina, A. Di Maro, M. Rossi, C. Abbondanza, B.Moncharmont, L. Malorni, G. Cacace, G. Pocsfalvi, A. Malorni, and A.Parente“Proteomic Analysis of MCF-7 Cell Lines Expressing the Zinc-Finger or theProline-Rich Domain of Retinoblastoma-Interacting-Zinc-Finger Protein”J. Proteome Res. 2006; 5: 1176-1185156 F. Santelli, F. Boscaino, D. Cautela, · D. Castaldo and A. Malorni“Determination of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs),polychlorinated dibenzo-p-furans (PCDFs) and polychlorinated biphenyls(PCBs) in buffalo milk and mozzarella cheese”Eur. Food Res. Technol. 2006; 223: 51–56157 M. F. Mazzeo, A. Sorrentino, M. Gaita, G. Cacace, M. Di Stasio, A. Facchiano,G. Comi, A. Malorni, R. A. Siciliano“Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometryfor the discrimination of food-borne microorganisms”Appl Environ Microbiol. 2006; 72:1180-1189158 L. Malorni, G. Cacace, M. Cuccurullo, G. Pocsfalvi, A. Chambery, A. Farina,A. Di Maro, A. Parente and A. 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